All inclusive

Rixos Premium Belek

8.8(10 bùthan)
Antalya - Türkiye
Measadaire geall le Osman Kizkapan

  • 20 aon àireamh
  • 700 seòmar

Fiosrachadh mu dhan-fhaighinn

Faodaidh tu soirbheachadh air gach seirbheis a tha ri fhaotainn sa bhuidheann seo an-asgaidh anns na toraidhean eile agus air an làrach-lìn aca.

Rixos Premium Belek: Luxury All-Inclusive Escape on the Turkish Riviera

Unwind in style at Rixos Premium Belek, a luxurious all-inclusive resort nestled on the stunning Mediterranean coast of Belek, Turkey. This 5-star haven offers everything you need for an unforgettable getaway, from pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters to world-class amenities and exceptional service.

Immerse Yourself in Luxury:

  • Prime Beachfront Location: Sink your toes into the soft sand and enjoy the refreshing Mediterranean Sea, just steps from your room.
  • All-Inclusive Indulgence: Savor delectable meals and refreshing drinks at a variety of restaurants and bars, all included in your stay.
  • Spacious Accommodations: Choose from a variety of elegantly designed rooms and suites, all featuring modern amenities and private balconies with stunning views (room options may include garden or sea views).
  • Exquisite Culinary Experiences: Embark on a global culinary adventure with a vast selection of restaurants offering Turkish specialties, international cuisines, and fresh seafood.
  • Unwind and Rejuvenate: Pamper yourself at the luxurious on-site spa, offering a variety of treatments and facilities (services may require additional fees).
  • Thrilling Activities: Enjoy a range of water sports, tennis courts, fitness facilities, and a variety of on-site activities (availability may vary).

Perfect for Families and Couples:

  • Kids' Club: Keep younger guests entertained with a dedicated kids' club offering supervised activities and entertainment.
  • Romantic Escapes: Luxuriate in a romantic getaway with the resort's special couple's offerings and intimate ambiance.
  • Themed Entertainment: Enjoy live shows, themed nights, and exciting entertainment options throughout your stay (availability may vary).

Comharran agus Gach Eile

Mu na comharran, seirbheisean, agus gach comas eile mu dhan-fhaighinn.

  • Babysitting/child services
  • Tennis court
  • Waterslide
  • Grocery/Convenience store
  • Kids' club
  • Kids' pool
  • Private beach area
  • WiFi
  • All inclusive
  • Spa and wellness centre
  • Gym
  • Bar
  • English
  • German
  • Russian
  • Turkish

Fiosrachadh mu Measaire Geall

Osman KizkapanO

Osman Kizkapan

10.0(268 bùthan)
·8962 àiteachan

Tha am measaire geall a' measadh do gheall airson an àite-fuirich seo. Faodaidh iad an geall a ghabhail, geall-ghunnaich no ath-dhearbhadh.

  • Air a' cur ris ann an 22mh dhen Ghearran 2023
  • Freagairt fios - 100%
  • Freagairt luath - taobh a-staigh na h-uairean fhaide


İleribaşı Mevkii Belek TÜRKİYE, ANTALYA

Rudan a bhios fiosrachadh

Polasaich leigheis

Sonasaidh leigheis agus airson ìocadh air ais, cuiribh fios gu measaire geall agad.

Check-in Check-out



Naidheachd sònraichte

  • Tha sinn air cuid de na goireasan agus seirbheisean a bharrachd a chur ris an àite-fuirich seo. Faodaidh tu soirbheachadh air na seirbheisean agus goireasan saor-thoileach a chuirtear ri chèile air làraichean-lìn an àite-fuirich no buidhnean turasachd.
  • Dèan cinnteach nach bi thu a' pàigheadh tuilleadh airson an geall-suidhe seo, ach faodaidh tu soirbheachadh air na goireasan agus seirbheisean saor-thoileach a bhios an geall-ghunnaich no buidhne turasachd agad ri thoirt dhut leis na cunndasan sin.
  • Na cuimhnich sibh gu bheil sibh a' gealladh air seòmraichean stèidhichte a' bhuidhinn. Cò-dhiù, faodaidh na geallanachaidhean sibh a chur suas ann an seòmraichean nas sònraichte oir tha iad a' reic an àireamh mòr de na seòmraichean stèidhichte aca le èiginn.
  • Check-in to Rixos Premium Belek rooms starts at 14.00. Check-out time is 12:00 at the latest. The use of open areas serving in the facility depends on seasonal conditions. Pets are not accepted in the facility.

    2+2 or 3+1 accommodation in rooms other than family rooms or some private rooms may cause congestion in the room and the extra beds provided may not have the comfort of a fixed bed.

    Ultra All Inclusive stays at the facilities start with dinner, include dinner for the number of nights stayed, and end with lunch on the day of departure.

    If the room where you will stay is a special type of room such as a family room or suite room; If any guest leaves the hotel early, no refund will be made.

2- adhaltaicheanFeb 12 - 16

Rixos Premium Belek Òrdan

0· Òrdan
Bu chòir dhut a bhith na chiad duine aig a bheil òrdan!

Bu toil leatsa buileachdach a bhith!

Tha sinn ga cur air adhart an amas airson àrainneachd seasmhach agus obrachadh nam ban. Sin mar a tha sinn a 'co-roinn na coimiseanan againn leat. Tha sinn ag iarraidh 250,000 measgaichean òrdain a chur an gnìomh sa chiad phrìomhachas. Buileachdach a bhith aig ar measgachadh le modail obair 100% fhèin-obrachail agus ionmhas gun teòthadh neach sam bith sa bhaile.Bu toil leatsa a bhith measgaire
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