All inclusive

Kirman Sidemarin Beach & Spa

8.9(5 offerti)
Antalya - Türkiye
Bid evaluator minn Yildiray Arslan

  • 6 massimu ta' klijenti
  • 355 kamra

Informazzjoni dwar il-ħajja

Tista 'tibbenefika mill-iservizzi kollha li jipprovdu din il-faċilità b'xejn f'agenziji tat-turi oħra u fuq is-sit elettroniku tagħha.

Our 5-star hotel Kirman Sidemarin, located on the Kumköy coast of Antalya, offers an unforgettable holiday experience to our valued guests with its Ultra All Inclusive concept. Our facility has been deemed worthy of numerous international awards since the year it was opened, with its seafront, natural wonder beach, pier, a main building with a unique view, a large garden where you can find a special activity at every corner, and a magnificent cuisine blending the Mediterranean climate with world tastes.

Located on a 2-hectare plot along the Mediterranean coast, this stylish and all-inclusive hotel is 5 km from the ancient city ruins of Side and 60 km from Antalya Airport.

Meals and most drinks are included. It features 5 restaurants, some of which are seasonal, bars (one on the beach), nightclub, 2 outdoor swimming pools and a stylish spa. Other facilities include a gym and kids' club. Water sports (paid) and regular live entertainment are offered.

Amenitajiet U Karatteristiċi Oħra Kollha

Dwar l-amenitajiet, is-servizzi u l-karatteristiċi oħra tad-dar.

  • All inclusive
  • 24/7 front desk
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Airport shuttle (additional charge)
  • 24-hour room service
  • 24-hour front desk
  • Wheelchair-accessible parking
  • Wheelchair-accessible path of travel
  • Wheelchair-accessible path to elevator
  • Wheelchair-accessible registration desk
  • Arabic
  • English
  • German
  • Russian
  • Turkish

Informazzjoni dwar il-bid evaluator

Yildiray ArslanY

Yildiray Arslan

10.0(84 offerti)
·5241 post

Il-bid evaluator jivvaluta l-bid tiegħek għal din il-każinò. Huma jistgħu jaċċettaw, jirreġistraw jew jeżorqu l-bid tiegħek.

  • Mfittxija fis-sena 8 ta’ Novembru 2023
  • Indiċi tar-rispons - 100%
  • Rispons rapidu - fi ftit siegħa


Ilıca, Kumköy Cd., 07400 Manavgat/Antalya

Għalfejn tkun taf

Politika ta 'Ikkancellazzjoni

Għal iċ-ċaġġell u l-irifużjoni, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja l-bid evaluator tiegħek.

Daħħal Oqgħod



Not Specjali

  • We added some features and services of this stay. You can benefit from all the free services and features offered on the stay's or tourism agencies' websites.
  • No matter how low your bid for this stay is, you will benefit from all free facilities and the stay or tourism agency that accepts the bid has to provide you with these conditions.
  • Don't forget that you bid for the standard rooms of the stays. However, stays can host you in more luxurious rooms as they sell their standard equipped rooms more easily.
  • Located on a 2-hectare plot along the Mediterranean coast, this stylish and all-inclusive hotel is 5 km from the ancient city ruins of Side and 60 km from Antalya Airport.

2- klijentiFeb 12 - 16

Kirman Sidemarin Beach & Spa Bids

0· Bids
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Nħossuhom dwar futur sostenibbli u impjieg tal-mara. Għaldaqstant qed inkomplu nwasslu l-kommissjonijiet tagħna miegħek. Nixtiequ nibdew b'250,000 eżaminatur ta 'offerti fil-fażi ewlenija. Ixxerred eżaminatur tagħna b'mudell ta 'ħidma 100% mill-biedja u issib tnaqqis bla limiti fejn tkun fid-dinja.Ixxerred eżaminatur
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