All inclusive

Wome Deluxe Hotel

10.0(9 offerte)
Antalya - Türkiye
Offerta valutata da Osman Kizkapan

  • 8 ospiti massimi
  • 535 stanze

Informazioni sul soggiorno

Puoi usufruire di tutti i servizi offerti gratuitamente da questa struttura in altre agenzie di viaggio e sul suo sito web.

Wome Deluxe Hotel offers a luxurious retreat on Turkey's picturesque Aegean coast, blending modern elegance with traditional Turkish hospitality. Located in the charming town of Gündoğan, Bodrum, this boutique hotel is renowned for its stunning sea views and serene ambiance, making it an ideal destination for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Accommodations at Wome Deluxe Hotel range from stylish rooms to spacious suites, each meticulously designed with contemporary furnishings and upscale amenities. Many rooms feature private balconies or terraces overlooking the azure waters of the Aegean Sea, providing guests with a tranquil oasis.

Guests can indulge in a culinary journey at Wome Deluxe Hotel's restaurants, which offer a variety of international and Turkish dishes prepared with fresh, locally sourced ingredients. The hotel's bars and lounges provide a perfect setting to enjoy refreshing cocktails and evening entertainment.

For relaxation and recreation, Wome Deluxe Hotel boasts an outdoor swimming pool surrounded by lush gardens, a private beach area with sun loungers and water sports activities, and a spa where guests can pamper themselves with a range of treatments and therapies.

The hotel's location in Gündoğan allows easy access to Bodrum's historical attractions, shopping districts, and vibrant nightlife, ensuring a memorable and enriching stay for every guest.

Servizi e tutte le altre caratteristiche

Informazioni su servizi, servizi e tutte le altre caratteristiche della struttura.

  • Waterslide
  • Grocery/Convenience store
  • All inclusive
  • Gym
  • 24/7 front desk
  • Pool
  • Business services
  • Housekeeping
  • 24-hour room service
  • Coffee/tea in common area(s)
  • Basketball
  • Beach volleyball
  • English
  • German
  • Russian
  • Turkish

Informazioni sull'offerente

Osman KizkapanO

Osman Kizkapan

10.0(268 offerte)
·8962 posti

L'offerente valuta la tua offerta per questo soggiorno. Possono accettare, controbattere o respingere la tua offerta.

  • Iscritto in 22 de freàrgiu de su 2023
  • Tasso di risposta - 100%
  • Risposta veloce - entro poche ore


Avsallar, İncekum Tabiat Parkı D:2, 07400 Avsallar/Alanya/Alanya/Antalya

Cose da sapere

Politica di cancellazione

Per cancellazioni e rimborsi, contatta l'offerente dell'offerta.

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Nota speciale

  • Abbiamo incluso alcune caratteristiche e servizi di questo soggiorno. Puoi usufruire di tutti i servizi e delle caratteristiche offerti gratuitamente sui siti web del soggiorno o delle agenzie di viaggio.
  • Indipendentemente dall'importo dell'offerta per questo soggiorno, beneficerai di tutte le strutture gratuite e il soggiorno o l'agenzia di viaggio che accetta l'offerta dovrà fornirti queste condizioni.
  • Non dimenticare che hai offerto per le camere standard dei soggiorni. Tuttavia, i soggiorni possono ospitarti in camere più lussuose poiché vendono più facilmente le loro camere standard attrezzate.
  • WOMY WATER PARK ISLAND: Our working hours are 10:00 - 12:00 / 14:00 - 16:00. PLAYGROUND: It can be used all day long, but also between 21:00 and 23:30 in the evening. WOMY TALE HOUSE: It is designed with comfort for the comfort of our 0-4 year old children and nursing mothers. Baby sleeping beds and a changing unit are available. Auxiliary personnel are available under parental control. WOMY CINEMA and WOMY LEGO WORLD: Opens between 15:30 and 18:00 in the afternoon. Thanks to theater, cinema screening and lego assembly games, we contribute to the development of our children in the social field such as making observations in different situations, dreaming, strengthening communication, adapting in society and interpreting what they see.

2- ospitiFeb 12 - 16

Wome Deluxe Hotel Offerte

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